Friendmendations 8.16.21

Hey howdy hey, deputies.

I took two stabs at a bonus post last week and neither panned out for me. First I tried coming up with a take on some niche TikTok drama, but the whole thing bummed me out immensely. Then, I drafted some thoughts on how badly edited the new Lizzo video is, but that didn't feel great either, as Lizzo already gets enough shit for no reason. So! Bonus post is going out tomorrow, on a third, more reliable topic. Paying subscribers, you have my heart and my apologies for the delay.

In the meantime, please enjoy some recs.

Bye, bitch!

Andrew Cuomo has stepped down as governor, thank God. The City has an excellent breakdown of the story for anyone who hasn't been following it closely. I also recommend Miriam Pawel's delicious opinion piece for the Times, "This Is How a Political Dynasty Bites the Dust."

Other stuff around the internet

Other stuff

That's it for recs. I'll be back later this week with some writing on some nonsense, as per usual!

This week last year:

Friendmendations 8.17.20
you spin me right round, baby, right round - friendmendations, baby, right round round round
Should you embrace a life of cottagecore?
Step up from hygge and make it YOUR ENTIRE PERSONALITY!