Friendmendations 8.3.21

Hello, beloveds. Last week was kind of a mess since I lost my laptop for a few days after spilling water on it. We are bouncing back, slowly.

I somehow realized for the first time that Spotify embeds in Ghost just... don't show up in emails. Which is pretty annoying, since I've tried to include song recs here before.

Today is the second anniversary of Friendmendations! Year two was rocky, between the pandemic and leaving Substack and getting a new job and now leaving that job.



A lovely late-summer song

Added to the Friendmendations Spotify playlist!

Okay, that's all and I love you and I'm so grateful that people have been reading this for two years. I'm going to try to make it better in its third year. Thanks for everything so far.

This week last year:

Friendmendations 8.3.20
So I loved “The Kissing Booth 2!” Sue me!
I’m not saying it’s good, I’m saying I’M bad!