Happy Labor Day!
This is just a mini post, to say you're getting a DOUBLE POST

Hello and happy Labor Day to everyone, which I can say because I think all of my subscribers are American!
I’m not doing a full recs post because of the holiday, but I have a two-part piece about the worst book I’ve ever read coming out over the next two days! I want to manage expectations, but it’s maybe my favorite thing I’ve ever written so I hope you all like it.
If you would like a rec, here is a quick one!

A Simple Favor is on Hulu so I put it on to watch while I did other stuff but I ended up glued to it for the entire run because it is BANANAS! It is the DEFINITION of bananas. And it’s intentionally bananas, and I love that! It made me wish every movie were like A Simple Favor. I want every actor to dial their performances up to 11, I want every script to have a new twist every 20 minutes, I want Henry Golding to be the love interest in every romance, I want every lead character to be a bisexual psychopath. It’s sort of a thriller but mostly a very campy, very dark comedy.
It also has FANTASTIC costume design. This is a good piece about the costuming and it mercifully does not make fun of the one skirt that Anna Kendrick’s character wears that I personally own. (It calls the entire outfit “a Pinterest board come to life,” but I style it better when I wear it!)
Okay bye, see you tomorrow and then Wednesday! And then Friday, for the paying subscribers!